Morning in Akarmara

Speak to any seasoned SEO Consultant and they’ll tell you richness of content on any site is crucial.

With that in mind, here’s a completely not-what-the-purpose-of-this-website-is plug of my current music project, Morning in Akarmara.

The project emerged around 2014 after I began a worrying obsession with guitar pedals and the Asian shoegaze music scene (there’s a ton of great stuff coming out of Japan in particular).

It’s an attempt to tackle the main sentiments and hallmarks of the shoegazing/dream pop and ambient music genres with a hint of my own style of guitar playing that’s been inspired over the years by the likes of Bernard Butler, Johnny Marr, Joni Mitchell, Nick Drake and Neil Young.

Recently, I’ve taken the project in a more dark/ambient direction with more prominent use of synthesisers and electric drums.

I’ve put out two full-length albums and a couple of EPs under this project. The first, Dawning Dreaming, is more of a compilation of remastered demos that I wrote and recorded between 2015 and 2019. I’ve embedded a few highlights from that below:

The second full-length release, Cadence Through Inertia, is more conceptual in its approach. Written and recorded throughout 2020 and early 2021, the record inevitably leans on pandemic-related themes of isolation, stillness and anxiety.

This is a somewhat unavoidable cliche for a lot of artistic efforts made during this period, though the reflective side of the pandemic enabled me to think back to a lot of places I’ve visited over the years, particularly those of grey dystopian ilk (see China, various Eastern European ventures) and this drives the influences of the album alongside my usual musical stylings.

Some highlights below:

If you like what you hear, then give it a follow on Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube or wherever you consume your music.

I also have a SoundCloud account where I sporadically release new tracks and demos as they’re formed.